Feed The Beast Wiki

Legacy Packs[]

These modpacks are no longer being updated, either because they have been replaced or the original creators have stopped development.

Direwolf20 1.5 v2 v1.1.7 (MC v1.5.2)
Minecraft Forge  • CodeChickenCore  • CoFH Core  • DenLib  • IChunUtil  • Not Enough Items  • PowerCrystals Core  • Applied Energistics  • BiblioCraft  • BiblioWoods BoP  • BiblioWoods Forestry  • Biomes O' Plenty  • BuildCraft 3  • Additional BuildCraft Objects  • Logistics Pipes  • ChickenChunks  • ComputerCraft  • Misc Peripherals  • Open Peripheral  • EnderStorage  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • ExtraUtils  • Factorization  • Forestry  • BinniesMods  • Magic Bees  • PluginsForForestry  • ForgeMultipart  • Gravity Gun  • Hats  • Hat Stand  • IndustrialCraft 2  • Charge Pads  • CompactSolars  • Modular Force Field System  • MFFS Calclavia  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • MineFactory Reloaded  • Modular Powersuits  • Mystcraft  • Natura  • NEI Addons  • NEI Plugins  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • Portal Gun (Mod)  • Railcraft  • Soul Shards  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft  • Thaumic Tinkerer  • Thermal Expansion  • Tinkers' Construct  • Translocators  • Twilight Forest  • VoxelMap  • WRCBE
1.5.2 Beta Packs (152wgt & 152ngt) v0.8 (MC v1.5.2)
Advanced Solar Panels  • Applied Energistics  • BiblioCraft  • BuildCraft 3  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • CompactSolars  • ComputerCraft  • DartCraft  • EnderStorage  • EnhancedPortals 2  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • Extra Bees  • Extra Utilities  • Factorization  • Forestry  • Gravity Gun  • GregTech (only in 152wgt)  • IndustrialCraft 2  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • Minecraft Forge  • MineFactory Reloaded  • Misc Peripherals  • Modular Force Field System  • Modular Powersuits  • Mystcraft  • Natura  • NEI Plugins  • Not Enough Items  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • OpenCCSensors  • Portal Gun  • PowerCrystals Core  • Railcraft  • Soul Shards  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thaumic Bees  • Thaumic Tinkerer  • Thermal Expansion  • Tinkers' Construct  • Twilight Forest  • VoxelMap
Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack v1.1.2 (MC v1.4.7)
Advanced Machines  • Advanced Solar Panels  • Applied Energistics  • BiblioCraft  • BuildCraft 3  • Charge Pads  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • CompactSolars  • ComputerCraft  • EnderStorage  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • Extra Bees  • ExtrabiomesXL  • Factorization  • Flat Bedrock  • Forestry  • Forge IRC  • Gravitation Suite  • Gravity Gun  • GregTech  • ImmibisCore  • IndustrialCraft 2  • IntegratedSoundpacks  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • LiteLoader  • Minecraft Forge  • MineFactory Reloaded  • Misc Peripherals  • Modular Force Field System  • Modular Powersuits  • Mystcraft  • NEI Plugins  • Nether Ores  • Not Enough Items  • Nuclear Control  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • Petroleum Generator  • Portal Gun  • Power Converters  • PowerCrystals Core  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Secret Rooms  • Soul Shards  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thaumic Bees  • Thermal Expansion  • TubeStuff  • Twilight Forest  • VoxelMap  • VoxelMenu  • VoxelPlayer  • Wireless Redstone CBE  • Xeno's Reliquary  • XyCraft
Direwolf20 Pack v5.3.2 (MC 1.4.7)
Applied Energistics  • BuildCraft 3  • Charge Pads  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • CompactSolars  • ComputerCraft  • EnderStorage  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • Extra Bees  • ExtrabiomesXL  • Factorization  • Forestry  • Gravitation Suite  • Gravity Gun  • IndustrialCraft 2  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • Minecraft Forge  • Misc Peripherals  • Modular Powersuits  • Mystcraft  • NEI Plugins  • Not Enough Items  • Nuclear Control  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • Portal Gun  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Rei's Minimap  • Soul Shards  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thaumic Bees  • Thermal Expansion  • Twilight Forest  • Wireless Redstone CBE  • Xeno's Reliquary  • XyCraft
MindCrack Pack v8.3.2 (MC v1.4.7)
Advanced Machines  • Advanced Solar Panels  • BiblioCraft  • BuildCraft 3  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • ComputerCraft  • EnderStorage  • Extra Bees  • ExtrabiomesXL  • Factorization  • Forestry  • Gravitation Suite  • GregTech  • IndustrialCraft 2  • IntegratedSoundpacks  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • LiteLoader  • Minecraft Forge  • Misc Peripherals  • Modular Force Field System  • NEI Plugins  • Not Enough Items  • Nuclear Control  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • Petroleum Generator  • Portal Gun  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Soul Shards  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thaumic Bees  • Thermal Expansion  • TrainCraft  • Twilight Forest  • VoxelMap  • VoxelMenu  • VoxelPlayer  • Wireless Redstone CBE  • XyCraft
PAX Challenge Pack v1.1.4 (MC v1.4.7)
Minecraft Forge  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • Inventory Tweaks  • Not Enough Items  • NEI Plugins  • CoFH Core  • Advanced Machines  • Buildcraft 3  • Charge Pads  • CompactSolars  • ComputerCraft  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • Forestry  • IndustrialCraft2  • Iron Chests  • Misc Peripherals  • OpenCCSensors  • Portal Gun  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thermal Expansion  • Wireless Redstone Chicken Bones Edition
Feed The Beast Beta Pack A v12 (MC v1.4.2)
Minecraft Forge  • Forge IRC  • CodeChickenCore  • Not Enough Items  • Rei's Minimap  • Advanced Machines  • ExtrabiomesXL  • Advanced Solar Panels  • Buildcraft 3  • ComputerCraft  • EnderStorage  • Factorization  • Forestry  • GregTech  • IndustrialCraft2  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • Gravitation Suite  • Modular Force Field System  • Mystcraft  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • Portal Gun  • Railcraft  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thermal Expansion  • Twilight Forest
Magic Farm v4.0 (MC v1.5.2)
Applied Energistics  • BiblioCraft  • Biomes O' Plenty  • BuildCraft  • CodeChickenCore  • CoFH Core  • DenPipes  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • Extra Trees  • Extra Utilities  • Flat Signs  • Forestry  • GrowthCraft  • HarvestCraft  • HungerOverhaul  • InfiniBows  • Iron Chests  • Magic Bees  • Minecraft Forge  • MineFactory Reloaded  • MineFantasy  • Mystcraft  • Not Enough Items  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • PowerCrystals Core  • Railcraft  • Switches  • Thaumcraft  • Thaumic Tinkerer  • The Barrels Mod  • Thermal Expansion
Tech World v1.2.1 (MC v1.4.7)
Advanced Machines  • Advanced Solar Panels  • BuildCraft 3  • Charge Pads  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • ComputerCraft  • ExtrabiomesXL  • Forestry  • Gravitation Suite  • Gravity Gun  • GregTech  • IndustrialCraft 2  • IntegratedSoundpacks  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • LiteLoader  • Minecraft Forge  • Misc Peripherals  • Modular Force Field System  • NEI Plugins  • Not Enough Items  • Nuclear Control  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • Petroleum Generator  • Portal Gun  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Steve's Carts 2  • VoxelMap  • VoxelMenu  • VoxelPlayer  • Wireless Redstone CBE  • XyCraft
YogCraft Pack v1.0.0 (MC v1.4.7)
Advanced Machines  • BuildCraft 3  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • ComputerCraft  • EnderStorage  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • Extra Bees  • Factorization  • Forestry  • Gravity Gun  • IndustrialCraft 2  • IntegratedSoundpacks  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • LiteLoader  • Minecraft Forge  • Misc Peripherals  • Modular Force Field System  • Modular Powersuits  • NEI Plugins  • Not Enough Items  • Nuclear Control  • Portal Gun  • Power Converters  • PowerCrystals Core  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Soul Shards  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thermal Expansion  • Twilight Forest  • VoxelMap  • VoxelMenu  • VoxelPlayer  • Wireless Redstone CBE  • Xeno's Reliquary
RPG Immersion Pack v1.0.1 (MC v1.4.7)
Divine RPG  • Minecraft Forge  • CodeChickenCore  • Not Enough Items  • Inventory Tweaks  • Damage Indicators  • VoxelMap  • VoxelMenu  • VoxelPlayer
Feed The Beast Lite v1.2.3 (MC v1.4.7)
Advanced Machines  • BuildCraft 3  • Charge Pads  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • ComputerCraft  • Equivalent Exchange 3  • Forestry  • IndustrialCraft 2  • IntegratedSoundpacks  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • LiteLoader  • Minecraft Forge  • Misc Peripherals  • NEI Plugins  • Not Enough Items  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • Portal Gun  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thermal Expansion  • VoxelMap  • VoxelMenu  • VoxelPlayer  • Wireless Redstone CBE
Magic World v7.2.1 (MC v1.4.7)
BuildCraft 3  • CodeChickenCore  • ChickenChunks  • EnderStorage  • ExtrabiomesXL  • Forestry  • IntegratedSoundpacks  • Inventory Tweaks  • Iron Chests  • LiteLoader  • Minecraft Forge  • Mystcraft  • NEI Plugins  • Not Enough Items  • Obsidian Pressure Plates  • OmniTools  • Railcraft  • RedPower 2  • Soul Shards  • Steve's Carts 2  • Thaumcraft 3  • Thermal Expansion  • Twilight Forest  • VoxelMap  • VoxelMenu  • VoxelPlayer  • Xeno's Reliquary

Wiki Rules

There are very few policies which apply across all Wikia. These can be found on the Central Wikia at Wikia:Category:Policy.

In addition to those, the following rules apply to Feed The Beast Wiki:

  1. Absolutely no spam or vandalism.
  2. No harrassment, insults, discrimninating or hateful speech. Keep discussions civil.
  3. Always use proper spelling and grammar. Keep the language formal and objective.
  4. Stick to the facts. No speculation.
  5. Don't create joke/parody/hoax pages that could mislead players.
  6. Do not create empty pages just for the purpose of them existing.
  7. Do not advertise your server anywhere except the FTB Servers list.

Things to do


FTB Multiplayer

Most FTB modpacks are multiplayer compatible. There are plenty of servers for you to join in on the fun! If you are looking for a server to play on, feel free to check out our list of FTB Servers. FTB servers also use mod related Death Messages.

